The Secret World Legends Cant Fuse Blue With Blue

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Blacksmith fuse items menu.png

Added in v3.1.0, Fuse Items is a new mechanism added in the Blacksmith and it has the purpose of transforming both Clothing, Shields and Weapony alike into new or already existing Battle Equipment. Just like the Blacksmith itself, it's immediately unlocked on the spot though without any tutorial about its functions, each player starts off with a limited set of 6 Blueprints though the player will be able to gather more.

Blacksmith open blueprint.png

Blacksmith blueprint rewarded.png

Blueprints are a special, stackable items who upon activation, turn into a small list of requirements in order to get a specific item or a randomized item. Players will always start off with 6 Blueprints with infinite usage until it reaches a determined deadline where they turn into a one-use Blueprint. Aside from the initial 6 Blueprints, players can gather more by completing any level of Dragon Tactics, with Blueprints associated with Legendary items being less frequent to be gathered.

Example of a Tier, Rarity and Category of Item Blueprint

When a Blueprint is rewarded, because it's still due to be unveiled, a compass icon (Blueprint uncovered.png) will represent it until the player has checked the Blueprints received under the Fuse section in the Blacksmith. Upon uncovering the rewarded Blueprints, if the Blueprint is for a general item of a respective Tier, Rarity and Category of Battle Equipment without specify what it is exactly (for example, a Tier 2 Legendary Weapon Blueprint), the Blueprint will take the appearance of a paper and pencil icon (Blueprint revealed.png).

Because the higher the Tier and Rarity, the stronger the weapon, there isn't any Common Blueprints however Common Battle Equipment is used for Rare Blueprints as Rare is the Rarity that follows after Common if it's following a crescending "Weakest to Strongest" order.

Fusing Items

To fuse an item, the player must select a Blueprint and check on what the Blueprint needs, the requirements and cost of both Coins Gold and Shards Shards.png vary depending on the Tier and Rarity of the Blueprint will fuse into (the Category of the Battle Equipment of a Blueprint doesn't vary the price): a Tier 2 Rare Weapon Blueprint will always require a Tier 2 Rare Weapon, though if the said Blueprint specifies what exactly it will fuse into (for example, a Tier 1 Groncicle Bracers), then the Blueprint will require a piece of the said specific Battle Equipment of the prior Rarity so a Tier 1 Groncicle Bracers (3rd Rarity) requires a Tier 1 Heavy Winter Bracers (2nd Rarity). Legendary Blueprints require extra pieces of the specified piece of Battle Equipment so a Tier 3 Legendary Weapon will require 3 Tier 3 Epic Weapons and 1 randomized piece of Tier 3 Epic Battle Equipment. Take for example a Tier 1 Legendary Weapon Blueprint:

Blacksmith item selected.png

Because it's a Tier 1 and doesn't specify what it will fuse into, players just need to submit a randomized Tier 1 Legendary Weapon and select "Fuse", the seleced weapon will then be engulfed in fire and change to the fused weapon.

Be careful with what you choose to fuse with as any choosen weapon used to fuse will never be refunded and Blueprints are a ONE-USE only! The stats of the selected Battle Equipment will apepar on the bottom left, below the player's Battle Backpack to check on the Attributes, Current and Range the selected Battle Equipment has and compare them with others to prevent accidentally fusing something whose stats were excellent.

The requirements and prices depend entirely on the Tier and Rarity, similiar to how the Re-roll Stat and Re-roll Item price depend on the same thing; the Gold price is what increases the most, with the a Tier 3 Exquisite Legendary Blueprint costing 375 Gold and 45 Shards.png.


Tier Rarity Coins Price Shards Price
1 Rare 35 Gold 7 Shards.png
2 65 Gold 10 Shards.png
3 75 Gold 15 Shards.png
1 Epic 50 Gold 10 Shards.png
2 100 Gold 15 Shards.png
3 150 Gold 20 Shards.png
1 Legendary 100 Gold 20 Shards.png
2 200 Gold 30 Shards.png
3 375 Gold 45 Shards.png

Rarirty Requirement

Remember, if the Blueprint doesn't determines what it will fuse into, they will require the same Rariry as the Blueprint's Rarity, but if they do determine what they'll fuse into, they will require the Rarity priod to the Blueprint's Rarity, for example: a Tier 1 Epic (2nd Highest Rarity) Groncicle Helmet Blueprint requires a Tier 1 Rare (3rd Highest Rarity) Heavy Winter Helmet and two randomized Tier 1 Rare Pieces of Battle Equipment.

If Undetermined: If Determined:
Blueprint's Rarity Requirement's Rarity Blueprint's Rarity Requirement's Rarity
Rare Rare Rare Common
Epic Epic Epic Rare
Legendary Legendary Legendary Epic

Pieces Requirement

The amount of Pieces of Battle Equipment the Blueprints require differ between the Tier, Rarity and Category of the Blueprint, for example: a Tier 2 Legendary Chieftain Axe of any Element requires two Tier 2 Epic Weapons and two randomized Tier 2 Pieces of Battle Equipment.

Legends (ignore the coloration of the tiles)
Requirement random.png The requirement can be anything of the respective Tier and Rarity.
Requirement weapon.png Requires a Weapon of any type. Requirement pelt.png Requires a Pelt of the respective Tier and Rarity.
Requirement armor.png Requires a Piece of Armor of any type, the Armor pieces in question are: Helmet, Chestplate, Pelt, Bracers, Pants and Boots. Requirement bracers.png Requires Bracers of the respective Tier and Rarity.
Requirement helmet.png Requires a Helmet of the respective Tier and Rarity. Requirement pants.png Requires Pants of the respective Tier and Rarity.
Requirement chestplate.png Requires a Chestplate of the respective Tier and Rarity. Requirement boots.png Requires Boots of the respective Tier and Rarity.

Initial Infinite Blueprints

Tier Rarity Name Requirement
1 Rare Rare Blueprint 3 Requirement random.png
3 4 Requirement random.png
1 Epic Epic Blueprint 3 Requirement random.png
3 4 Requirement random.png

Rewarded Blueprints

Both Rare Blueprints and Epic Blueprints require the same amount of Pieces of Battle Equipment no matter the Tier. Due to the rarity of the Legendary Battle Equipment, Legendary Blueprints are much more costier and require more items.

Rewarded Blueprints
Rare and Epic
Tier Clarity Requirement
1/2/3 Weapon/Armor
  • 1 Requirement weapon.png/Requirement armor.png
  • 1 Requirement helmet.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement chestplate.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement pelt.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement bracers.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement pants.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement boots.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement weapon.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
Tier Clarity Requirement
1 Weapon/Armor
  • 1 Requirement weapon.png/Requirement armor.png
  • 1 Requirement helmet.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement chestplate.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement pelt.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement bracers.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement pants.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement boots.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement weapon.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
2 Weapon/Armor
  • 1 Requirement weapon.png/Requirement armor.png
  • 1 Requirement helmet.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement chestplate.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement pelt.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement bracers.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement pants.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement boots.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
  • 1 Requirement weapon.png
  • 2 Requirement random.png
3 Weapon/Armor
  • 3 Requirement weapon.png/Requirement armor.png
  • 3 Requirement helmet.png
  • 1 Requirement random.png
  • 3 Requirement chestplate.png
  • 1 Requirement random.png
  • 3 Requirement pelt.png
  • 1 Requirement random.png
  • 3 Requirement bracers.png
  • 1 Requirement random.png
  • 3 Requirement pants.png
  • 1 Requirement random.png
  • 3 Requirement boots.png
  • 1 Requirement random.png
  • 3 Requirement weapon.png
  • 1 Requirement random.png


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