Did Priests Keep the Lamps Lit Continuously


Today we reach an exciting time of discovery in our COME AS A CHILD bible study, which is currently traveling through The Book of Numbers. We have arrived at the time of the dedication of the wilderness tabernacle. Now God is telling Moses that it is time for the lighting of the lamps!

Of course, you know what generally happens once lamps are lighted; don't you?

People who previously lived in darkness begin to see!


Everything was ready for the tabernacle dedication; and a significant part of the dedication ceremony would be set aside for the lighting of the lamps which were now being placed upon the Lampstand.

The Lampstand was in the proper place; standing inside the tabernacle on the left side or the south side of the tabernacle opposite the table of shewbread.

This place where the lampstand stood was very significant in that when the lamps were lit; their strategic location would allow the light to shine over the table of showbread where the twelve loaves of bread that symbolized the twelve tribes of Israel were placed.

With the placing of these lamps upon the lampstand; the priests working inside The Holy Place would be able to see where they were going.  This was important, Here is where some of us begin to see the significance and symbolism of the Lampstand and the important role of the lamps that were being placed upon it.


The Hebrew word for "south" means "bright and radiant."

The light that shown from the lamps placed upon the golden lampstand would shine bright and radiant so that the functions of the tabernacle would be able to go smoothly.

The lighting of the lamps would now help to take any darkness away from the tabernacle.


The lamps could not work without the Lampstand to hold them up; but the Lampstand could not bring light without the help of the lamps that shared the light.

We know that the Lampstand also held and provided the rich flow of pure, crushed olive oil which was used as fuel for the lamps.  No lampstand would mean no fuel for the lamps.  That is why God had provided the perfect lampstand and had it set into the correct place.

The lamps were able to receive this needed fuel because of the Lampstand being firmly in place and providing the steady flow of the oil that fueled the lamps.


Neither the Lampstand nor the lamps would work without the oil that flowed from one point to the other.

When all three parts (the lampstand, the oil and the lamps) were properly in place and correctly functioning; the tabernacle had light and the priest were able to perform their important duties. The showbread could be displayed and provided properly.

As long as the light was shining; the showbread was provided for the use of the priest and the people.


In order for all of these things to run smoothly; the High Priest (Aaron) had to regularly trim the wicks of the lamps with golden tongues. This always happened at the times of the evening and the morning sacrifices.

If the wicks of the lamps were kept trimmed; the light would shine bright and radiant.


The High Priest would also replace and replenish the pure, crushed olive oil twice a day.

The lamps were never allowed to run out of oil.

The fire of the lamps were kept burning night and day in the tabernacle; and were only removed from there when it was time to travel on to the next location.


The Hebrew word for Menorah is "lightbearer."

This perfectly described the the function of the Lampstand.

Often in our bibles this word is misinterpreted and the word "candlestick" is used instead of Lampstand. It was the Lampstand that brought the light forth from the Lamps by holding the lamps in a way that allowed them to shine light into the area of The Holy Place.

Without this light; the priests would not be able to perform their daily tasks.

If you took away this Lampstand; the lamps would not be able to burn.

Without the oil; no light could be provided.

All three parts of the lighting of the Sanctuary functioned together, each doing their own part to provide the light that was needed for the proper functioning of the tabernacle.


Of course we all know how symbolic these things from those days became to The Church; and the lessons gained from then are still symbolically with us today.  Now, as we look back, we can understand that God was again painting yet another amazing portrait of The Messiah with a part of the furnishings He designed to be used inside the tabernacle.

Actually, EVERYTHING about the wilderness tabernacle told the story of redemption that would come from a Messiah in the future.  If you come to understand the symbolic meanings behind the material things that were provided according to God's specifications; you will always come to know Jesus.

Today we see from the golden menorah that He is The Light of the World.


The Lampstand stands symbolically as a reflection of Christ.

Again; He is The Light of The World.

The Lamps are the people who chose to follow The Light of the World.

The Lamps could not make the light; they could only bring forth the light.

The light was made to shine and came forth into the lamps from the Lampstand that represented Jesus Christ; Our Messiah.

He is also known as "The Lamb." In the New Jerusalem which is to come in the future it will again be The Lamb who brings the light.  There will be no night or day there; because the Lamb will BE the Light.

He is our past, our present and our future hope.


Totally opposite of the molding by men of the golden calf; The Lampstand that represents Messiah was beaten out from one piece of purified gold. There was no mold.

The golden calf was molded and NOT beaten.

The true Lampstand of God was beaten out; not molded.

Knowing that the gold of the Lampstand was "hammered" instead of molded proves the symbolism of what Jesus endured on the cross. All impurities were removed from the refined gold and it was then fashioned at the hands of the finest of goldsmiths.

The design was original with none other like it; and it was One with connection to the lamps, the oil and the shedding of light over to The Divine Presence of God that sat on the Mercy Seat of the Ark.


The Lampstand was of a very unique design; one that reminds us of the shape of a tree or a vine.  Over the years pagans have perverted tree-shaped objects; but the original use of the tree in art originated directly from God, who created trees.  Pagans are always unoriginal and they can only counterfeit and copy the designs of the greatest artist ever.

This golden tree-vine shaped Menorah is symbolic of God's people, who represent the branches of that old olive tree called Israel who belongs to God. Notice that the branches are totally dependent upon the root of the tree, or in the symbolic case of the Lampstand; the stem, or the base called the Lampstand in the middle of the Menorah.

Without the oil that it provides; the branches would be useless and bring no light.

This clearly portrays the words of Christ who said "I am the vine; you are the branches….apart from me you can do nothing."


This Lampstand weighed one talent, which was roughly equivalent to 100 pounds. If you were to buy a Menorah that duplicated this one in today's market it would cost you more than $1,200,000.

This pure, golden Menorah represented the presence of divinity.

At the base were three cups shaped like almond flowers with buds and blossoms; three on one branch and three on the next branch.

The six branches together represented the number of mankind; but the lifted up branch in the middle, the stem of the Lampstand, which made up the seventh branch represents the divinity of Christ.

All of the oil that lights the lamps flows from the Lampstand which is the stem in the middle of the Menorah.

This amazing and beautiful design clearly speaks of Aaron's rod that budded.


Remember how Aaron's rod flowered and brought forth almond fruit?

Today the almond tree is the first tree to bud and bear fruit in Israel during each season of the fruit harvest.

The almond tree symbolizes resurrection life.

This miraculous budding of the almond blossom established the owner's right to the priesthood.

It was the Resurrection of Christ that established the surety of His right to reign forever as Our High Priest of Heaven.

What could be more meaningful than this in dedicating a tabernacle for worship?

On hearing the story of The Light of the World the desert surrounding the wilderness tabernacle must want to sing for joy!  Surely it must know the secret of what that Lampstand will do for those Lamps that are set up for this timely dedication ceremony.


Source: https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/lighting-the-lamps-of-the-tabernacle/

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